What do your social media activities say about you?

Your blog should clearly represent you and should include your best work. Be careful about what you are saying in your blog posts, and certainly do not post any pictures of yourself that your boss or family would not be pleased to see. If someone were to Google your name, wouldn’t you rather have your blog page come up than drunken photos from your facebook page?

Maintaining a good blog can help you out a lot. Especially when you connect your other profiles and social networks to your blog, like your Twitter account, and when you choose a set avatar with a certain font and style to represent you on different social media networks, you can create a brand for yourself.

Leigh Caraccioli, a “hybrid socialwright-tographer”, gives her way in her article at https://ow.ly/1ZNQt to test if you are one on the millions afflicted with “Avataris”:

-Do you have half of your ex-girlfriend’s arm around your neck in your cropped down image?

-Was your image snapped on a smart phone by your overserved BFF at last week’s big kegger?

-Does you photo scream 1995?

-You use the boilerplate Twitter birdy or Facebook silhouette.

-Is there a greyish, orangeish, yellowish swishy backdrop and a contrived smile on your face?

-Is it just your eyeball?

-Do you looked even a little bit wasted?

-Is your image actually not you but instead an image of your fluffy dog, porche carrera or newborn babe?

-Are you masquerading as a celebrity or Homer Simpson?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time to change your picture if you want your avatar to say more, or maybe less about you. You have to remember that anyone can search your name, and whether you are in school or working in the professional world, people will judge you based on your picture.

If you are wondering what type of picture is appropriate for your profile, opt for simple, and do not be afraid to switch your picture up to generate some buzz for your social media experience.

In a nutshell, choose the image you want to create for yourself, market it and be clear.