To really make your web marketing campaign a huge succes, MJW Media would develop a deep understanding of your business, what you are trying to accomplish, and what your goals are. The discovery process provides critical business intelligence aimed around what’s happening in your industry. During the interview process, an intelligence gathering survey will guide us through an inquiry into the nature of your business needs, competition, and desired outcome. In addition, you can ask any questions that may be concerning you in regards to the types of changes that will be made to your website and when to expect results. This phase lays the strategic foundation for your ongoing social media marketing campaign.
We will work with you to understand what Social Media is, all of its benefits, and how it can be utilized in the expanding world of online marketing. You will learn who is using social media and why you should be using it. During these sessions, we will help you understand the anatomy of a blog, all of its components and how it differs from a conventional website. We will teach you the in’s and out’s of using social media and blogging while providing you all the successful tips and tools to generate the proper leads and your own following. You will also be coached on optimizing the use of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and integrating them into your websites.
Social Media Marketing is designed to help businesses create brand awareness on the internet, drive targeted traffic to your site, market their products and services, and manage their online reputation through other means than search engines. The idea is to use social platforms as a means of communication to your potential clients, consumers or fans. Some tactical methods include:
We will provide you with benchmark ranking reports showing all your existing listings in the major search engines before we start. This concise report will be sent monthly to help document our progress. Every month, we will also run a ranking report to document the progress and send it to you via email. The rank reports include rank reportings on Google,Yahoo, and Bing, and indicates which keyword your web site currently ranks for on the search engines. We will also provide you reports of your activity on your social networking sites so as to track mentions, followers, and development of your presence on social media sites.
Since search engines index/re-index the optimized site in 4-12 weeks, some search engines like Google crawl your site more frequently if your Page Rank is higher. Realistically, you can expect to see results starting 4-6 weeks after submission. Rankings usually stabilize after about two months. However, your traffic rises continuously since more and more search engines index more and more optimized pages of your website. Some search engines index your site quickly if you are willing to pay their “Express Inclusion” or “Pay for Inclusion” fee.
We are a sociable bunch and our new business comes primarily from recommendations & referrals from clients & friends who know how we work. We don’t think that salesmen should do all the talking for us and so we recommend that you speak directly to our clients to understand who we are and what we do. Our social media pricing is completely bespoke and is based on your current situation and your objectives.
We are building bridges in web technology in order to connect the client’s goal to reality